

How 4 Death convict escaped from roof

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 , 02:48 PM


The incident of the escape of the accused by leaking the roof of a condemned cell in Bogura is now the talk of the country. Such incidents have been rare before. The question is, how did the accused accomplish such an impossible task?

Deputy Commissioner of Bogra, Saiful Alam said the jail was built in British period. There were no rods on the roof. They climbed up with their clothes and escaped through a hole in the roof.

District Superintendent of Police Sudip Kumar Chakraborty also said the same. He said that after planning for a long time, they cut the roof of the condemned cell last night and escaped from the roof.

However, the jail authorities have not yet given any statement about the escape of the accused from jail. Jail Superintendent Anwar Hossain did not receive the phone when contacted.