

60 km/h Gusts Forecast in Three Districts by Evening

Thursday, 20 March 2025 , 11:29 AM


There is a risk of gusts of wind up to 60 km/h in three districts of the country by evening. There may also be thunderstorms.

This information was revealed in the weather forecast for inland river ports from 9 am to 6 pm on Thursday (March 20).

The forecast, signed by meteorologist Dr. Muhammad Abul Kalam Mallik, states that there is a risk of storms over Rajshahi, Kushtia, and Pabna districts.

The storm may blow from the west or northwest at a speed of 45-60 km/h. There may also be rain or thunderstorms.

Therefore, the weather office has asked the river ports of the three districts to display signal number one.