Wednesday, 26 May 2021 , 08:26 PM
Black fungus is under strict observation by the health directorate as well as the transmission situation of coronavirus in the country. There is no scope to be panicked about ‘black fungus’. But the patients with uncontrolled diabetes have to be alert. In fact black fungus could be a real threat to the uncontrolled diabetic patients. If people remain conscious then black fungus infection will not be out of control.
The information was delivered by spokesman of the health directorate and director of cell of disease control Professor Nazmul Islam at a bulletin on Wednesday.
The health directorate is preparing the preventive treatment method, treatment expense and management process to contain black fungus.
Professor Nazmul Islam said, there is no scope to be concerned or panicked about black fungus infection. The disease has been remaining with the environment since ancient time.
He said, currently two patients are undergoing treatment with complaints of black fungus infection at a private hospital in Dhaka. We cannot certainly say anything until the definite results come after completing all types of experiments and examinations. There would be no concern if we inform people after getting the facts and findings. In this present situation we have to cooperate each other.
About expenditure of the treatment he said, black fungus is a rare disease and our findings say that it does not affect larger number of people. But there is no doubt that the treatment of this disease is costly.