With Eid-ul-Fitr just a few days away, the prices of all types of chicken have started to rise. However, the prices of beef and mutton remain stable. In the last two weeks, the price of Miniket rice has increased by Tk 5 to Tk 8 per kg.
These details were gathered from visits to Kaptan Bazar, Mohammadpur Krishi Market, and Karwan Bazar in Dhaka on Friday (March 21st) and from conversations with sellers.
Sellers say that chicken prices increase before Eid every year. Before Eid-ul-Fitr, chicken prices rise slightly. Farmers are releasing less chicken in the wholesale markets. As the supply of chicken is less than the demand, prices have increased.
Market surveys show that broiler chicken is selling for Tk 210-220 per kg. Previously, broiler chicken was selling for Tk 190-200 per kg. However, the price of Sonali chicken has decreased slightly. Sonali chicken is selling for Tk 260-280 per kg. Last week, it was Tk 10-20 more expensive per kg.
Additionally, local chicken is selling for Tk 650-680, white layer for Tk 280, and red layer for Tk 300. Ducks are selling for Tk 600-700 per piece, depending on the breed.
While chicken prices have increased, the prices of beef and mutton remain stable in the market. Beef is selling for Tk 750-850 per kg, and mutton is selling for Tk 1,250 per kg.
Kahhar, a shopper, said, "The prices of rice, oil, and chicken are constantly increasing. The government should look into this matter."
At the beginning of Ramadan this year, the prices of various vegetables, including lemons, eggplants, and cucumbers, increased. Although prices have decreased slightly, they are still high. At the beginning of Ramadan, a set of four lemons was selling for Tk 50-80. Later, the price decreased slightly to Tk 40-70. The same situation occurred with eggplants and cucumbers. Currently, eggplants are selling for Tk 60-100 per kg, and hybrid cucumbers are selling for Tk 60-80 per kg, which is the same price as last week.
Additionally, tomatoes are selling for Tk 20-25 per kg, and green chilies are selling for Tk 50-60 per kg. The prices of potatoes and onions were already low. Currently, potatoes are selling for Tk 20-25 per kg, and local onions are selling for Tk 40-45 per kg.
Retailers say that there is no shortage of supply due to the current potato and onion season. Therefore, prices are low.
The fish market remains unstable. Currently, farmed Rui (two kg size) is selling for Tk 350-380 per kg, tilapia for Tk 200-220, pangas for Tk 180-220, koi for Tk 250, pabda for Tk 400, shing for Tk 450, and shrimp for Tk 650-800 per kg. Hilsa is selling for Tk 800-1200 per kg.
Rice prices are still high in the market. Traders have reported that the price of Miniket rice has increased by Tk 5 to Tk 8 per kg in the last two weeks. In retail stores, Miniket rice is being sold for Tk 85-88 per kg.
Traders say that the stock of Miniket rice is low in the market. Due to low supply and increased paddy prices, the price of Miniket rice has also increased. However, the prices of medium and coarse rice have not increased.