Dhakaমঙ্গলবার, ১৮ মার্চ ২০২৫

Propose to further reduction of taxes to whiten black money

Rtv news

Sunday, 09 June 2024 , 07:22 PM

Photo: Collected

In the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, the government given an opportunity to whiten black money by taxing 15 percent. However, Sohrab Uddin, an independent member of parliament elected from Kishoreganj, proposed to reduce it further. 


He proposed this while participating in the discussion on the supplementary budget in the National Parliament on Sunday (June 9).

Sohrab Uddin said, money laundering will not stop if the opportunity will not given to show undisclosed income disclosed. Dollar-crisis increase due to money laundering. So there is no problem even the tax rate will be 5 percent to make black money white.


Describing the 15 percent tax as too high, he said many people would not show undisclosed income at this rate. It should be reduced. The more the tax is reduced, the more money will appear. State taxes will come. Investment opportunities in the country will increase.

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