When Saif Ali Khan was stabbed and in dire need of help, auto driver Bhajan Singh stepped up in the nick of time, rushing the actor to the hospital. Although Saif has since recovered and personally thanked Bhajan for his life-saving act, even offering financial assistance, Bhajan now finds himself caught in an unexpected whirlwind of attention.
According to reports from an Indian news outlet, Bhajan has been struggling to handle the media frenzy surrounding him. Journalists have been relentlessly trying to contact him for interviews, leaving him overwhelmed by constant calls and questions.
"I don't want to give any interviews. I've already said everything I needed to say. If anyone wants to talk, they should meet me in person. I have no idea who's calling or from where. I prefer face-to-face conversations," Bhajan shared.
Photos of Bhajan meeting Saif, where the actor expressed his gratitude, have gone viral on social media, further intensifying the attention. Reflecting on this, Bhajan said, "I don't know how these pictures became public. Since then, people haven't stopped bothering me. I just want some peace and rest."
Despite his newfound fame, Bhajan remains uninterested in the spotlight. "I don't want to be a star. What I did was purely out of humanity. I've met Saif's family, and they've expressed their appreciation. That's all I need," he stated.
For context, Bhajan is originally from Uttarakhand and has been driving an auto-rickshaw in Mumbai for many years. Like any other day, on the early morning of January 16, Bhajan was heading home with his auto when he found Saif lying in a bloodied state at the door of his house. Bhajan appeared just in time, rescuing Saif and rushing him to the hospital.