• Dhaka Sun, 29 SEPTEMBER 2024,

One toilet for 214 people in govt hospital, icddr,b study shows

Rtv news

  10 Jun 2024, 22:06

68 percent toilets in government hospitals in Dhaka are usable, while only 33 percent of these toilets are clean. On the other hand, 92 percent of the toilets in private hospitals can be used but 56 percent of them are clean.

The study looked at 2,459 toilets and evaluated the convenience, usability and cleanliness of toilets at healthcare facilities in Dhaka, icddr,b said in a press release on Monday (June 10).

International health research institute based in Dhaka (icddr,b) conducted the study in collaboration with the Australian University of Technology Sydney and the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) on the toilet situation in 12 public and private hospitals in Dhaka. The study was recently published in PLOS ONE, an international journal of medical science in the United States.

The study says, unusable and unhygienic toilets spread the germs of diseases such as cholera and typhoid and pose a risk to public health. Hygienic sanitation is very important in hospitals. Because, there is a high risk of spreading disease-causing germs from the hospital.

According to the study, the number of toilets in the capital's hospitals is low in the outpatient ratio. The number of users per toilet in government hospitals is 214 and the number of users per toilet in private hospitals is 94. This ratio is much lower than the standard proposed by Water Aid.

Even in the case of government and private hospitals in the capital, there are no toilets according to the Bangladesh National WASH (Water, a Sanitation and Hygiene) standard and implementation guideline-2021. According to the government guidelines, there should be one toilet for every six beds in the indoor department of the hospital. But the study found that there are 17 users against each toilet in the internal department of government hospitals and 19 in private hospitals. The indoor toilets are untidy, the number of toilets in the ratio of patients and the utility of use is very low.


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