• Dhaka Mon, 08 JULY 2024,

Russell's Viper is the new panic, expanding rapidly

Rtv news

  11 Jun 2024, 17:55
Photo: Collected

Russell's Viper. Of all the poisonous snakes in the country, it is the most dangerous venom. Pour the maximum during the bite. Although it was originally known as the snake of the Barind region, the panic of the snake has now spread all over the country. However, just a decade ago, the name of Russell's Viper was not heard much. It was thought to be extinct. Experts say that the snake has not only expanded in the last few years; The ability to adapt has also increased. As a result, the snake is now frequently seen in areas where people have not heard the name Russell's Viper. The lack of suitable anti-venom has increased the level of panic several times.

The antivenom available in the country is used only after the bite of four types of snakes. It doesn't work as well on Russell's viper bite. Research has begun to create Russell's Viper Venom, but success has not yet come. No private pharmaceutical company in the country has made anti-venom. Only Incepta imports a limited quantity of anti-venom from India as per the order. In this situation, Russell's Viper bite is being bitten and has to die due to lack of treatment. Even if they survive in some way, long-term damage is being done to the lungs and kidneys.

Experts say that now the breeding period of snakes is going on, so it is seen more. However, Russell's Viper has a lot of adaptability. Professor Farid Ahsan of the Zoology Department of Chittagong University is researching 'Russell's Viper Reappearance and Human Risk'. He says, 'Russell's viper doesn't have a specific breeding period; They can breed at any time of the year. However, the snake's breeding rate is the highest for the next three months from May. Moreover, the snake gives birth without laying eggs. As a result, breeding is also rapid. The terrible poisonous snake can move comfortably through both land and water. So in the rainy season, it can float far with water hyacinth and transfer itself.'

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that antivenom made from local snakes is most effective for the treatment of snake bite patients. Because, the nature of snakes in different countries, types are different. Only 20 percent of the snakes from which venom is collected in India matches the snakes of Bangladesh. But for years, snake bite victims are being treated in Bangladesh with antivenom made in India.

Researcher of Venom Research Center, Abdullah Abu Sayeed said, 'The main goal of our Venom Research Center is to collect venomous snakes. Then nurture them and collect poison. Snake venom collection is currently underway. The venom of 11 varieties of snakes in our country has been collected. However, it is not possible to make anti-venom quickly. The process is very long. Now many types of Venom experiments are going on. Again, many tests of this step are not done in our country. Recently, some venom has been sent to a lab in Spain in collaboration with the WHO. We need to identify the nature of Venom.'


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