With the slogan 'Commitment to building a happy, prosperous, developed and smart Bangladesh', this year's budget has been estimated at Tk 7 lakh 97 thousand crores. The size of this 53rd budget of the country is increasing by 4.6 percent than the previous budget. The proposed budget is being passed today without any major changes.
The Finance Minister will present the proposed budget for the financial year 2024-25 in the National Parliament on Sunday (June 30). Later it will be passed by voice vote of the members of Parliament.
Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali presented the budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the National Parliament on June 6. This is going to be his first budget as finance minister.
Earlier on Saturday (June 29), the National Parliament passed the Finance Bill-2024 with some amendments. By adopting an amendment to the bill before the bill is passed, the parliamentarians' right to import duty-free cars is upheld. Besides, black money has been given an opportunity to be white by paying 15 percent tax.
The budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 is about Tk 36 thousand crore more than the previous budget of the current fiscal year. It has set a growth target of 6.75 percent and inflation at 6.5 percent.