Private research organization Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) said, it is nothing but a hoax that the owners have provided in the name of increased wages to the workers of readymade garments sector. Though it is shown in the new wage framework that salaries have been increased but the workers in this sector are getting 26 per cent less salaries.
The claim came from a press conference held at the TIB office in the capital on Tuesday. The press conference was arranged on the occasion of publishing a research report titled ‘Good governance in readymade garments sector: Progress and challenges’.
In the press conference TIB Executive Director Dr. Iftekharuzzaman said, there are rules to increase the salaries at the rate of five per cent annually. According to that calculation wages are not increased but in the real perspective overall salaries are decreased by 26 per cent.
Upholding statistics TIB said, according to the declared wages of 2013 the first grade salary was 8 thousand 500 taka. In the declared wages of the current year it was made 10 thousand 938 taka. But according to 5 per cent increment the salary should be 13 thousand 343 taka on December 25, 2018. As per calculation wages were decreased by 2 thousand 405 taka or 28 per cent. In such way under the new wage framework the salaries were decreased by 26 per cent overall.
TIB Assistant Program Managers Nazmul Huda Mina and Md. Mostafa Kamal presented the research report.
Iftekharuzzaman said, though there are progresses in garments sector but there are deficit in every aspect. Workers rights are not getting enough importance. There is hoax in increasing the minimum salary. In real it was thought that salaries had been decreased. It was reflected in our report. Salaries have been decreased by 26 percent considering the previous. Salaries were not increased rather those who waged movement are being harassed by filing cases. Even some were sacked.
At that time TIB also demanded trial of the accused in connection with the Rana plaza accident by forming speedy trial tribunal.
The TIB report also said, exports and benefit of the owners are given more importance than the rights of workers in readymade garments sector.