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Israel says militants 'infiltrated' from Gaza

Online Desk
  07 Oct 2023, 12:25

The Israeli army, on Saturday, claimed that a "number of terrorists infiltrated" into Israel from Gaza, after multiple rockets were fired from the Palestinian enclave.

"Residents in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip have been asked to stay in their homes," the army said.

In a second post, the army said that Israelis across the country "woke up to sirens sounding and Hamas firing rockets at them from Gaza."

"We will defend ourselves," the IDF said.

Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the German government, the EU, the US, and some Arab states.

Senior Hamas commander Mohammad Deif said 5,000 rockets have been launched.

"We've decided to say enough is enough," Deif was quoted as saying by the AP news agency.

What do we know about the attack?

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired dozens of rockets at Israel, the army said. This set off sirens in several cities across the country, including Tel Aviv.

The attack comes as Israel is marking the Jewish festival of Simchat Torah. It celebrates the conclusion of the annual cycle of public readings of the Torah, the Hebrew Bible.

Casualties were reported from the towns of Ashkelon, Gedera and Yavne. A 70-year old woman was critically injured when a rocket directly hit a building near Gedera, the Magen David Adom ambulance service said. Fifteen others were hurt, two of them seriously, medics added.


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