• Dhaka Sat, 06 JULY 2024,

Tibetan monk disrobed and removed from monastery, takes his own life

International desk

  01 Jun 2024, 13:34
Photo: Reuters

Tibetan monk disrobed and removed from monastery, takes his own life

Kunzang Longyang, a 17-year-old Tibetan monk from Yulung Monastery in Drakkar County, in the so-called Qinghai Province took his own life in mid-April, according to a report by Radio Free Asia.

The report indicates that Longyang faced immense pressure to abandon his religious and cultural traditions. This culminated in his forced removal from the monastery and being ordered to join a government-run school, leading to his tragic decision.

Longyang was forced to leave his monastery due to the Chinese government’s enforcement of a rule prohibiting individuals under 18 from becoming monks. After being removed from the monastery, Longyang was required to attend a local government-run school, where he was instructed to wear regular clothing instead of his monk’s robes. This led to Longyang’s severe depression, sources told RFA.

Initially, the school made some accommodations for Longyang, allowing him to wear his robes during examinations and during inspections by government officials as well as not requiring full-time attendance. However, these exceptions were revoked a few months ago. Longyang, along with other young monks, was ordered to permanently disrobe and stay at the school full-time, causing him severe distress.

“He was adamant that he would not take off his monk’s robes,” another source reported. “He had said that if he were permanently stripped of his robes and required to go to school in plainclothes, he would kill himself.”

In April, after falling into another bout of depression following the school’s renewed mandate, Longyang was sent home. Shortly after, he took his own life, sources said.

Source: phayul


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