• Dhaka Wed, 26 JUNE 2024,

D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers meeting on Gaza situation held in Istanbul

International desk

  10 Jun 2024, 17:26

An 'Extraordinary Meeting of the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers” to discuss the “Situation in Gaza' was held on June 8, 2024, at the historic Dolmabahçe Palace in the City of Istanbul, Türkiye. Dr. Dipu Moni, Hon’ble Minister of Social Welfare, led the Bangladesh delegation. Hon’ble Social Welfare Minister was accompanied by Ms. Wahida Ahmed, Director General (International Organizations) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hakan Fidan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye chaired the meeting.

In the extraordinary meeting, Dr. Dipu Moni strongly condemned the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza and called for an immediate, permanent, and unconditional cease-fire. She also called for an end to Israeli aggression in the besieged enclave and occupied territories, and urged all states to exert diplomatic, political, economic, and legal pressure to stop the crimes committed by Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians. The meeting also called on all states to force Israel complying with provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice. A Declaration was adopted during this “Extraordinary Meeting of the D-8 Council of Foreign Minister. Other Heads of Delegation also echoed the same sentiment.

In the sideline of the meeting Dr. Dipu Moni had a call on with the Turkish Foreign Minister H.E. Hakan Fidan where issues of bilateral interest were discussed. Turkish President met the D-8 Heads of Delegation and exchanged view on the Gaza situation. He suggested to hold a D-8 Head of Government meeting on the Gaza issue to further emphasize the demands of the D-8 countries.


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