• Dhaka Sat, 06 JULY 2024,

Convicts cannot be kept in condemned cell before final verdict

Rtv news

  13 May 2024, 15:53
Photo: Collected

The High Court (HC) has ruled that it is illegal and unlawful to detain convicts in the condemned cell (blind cell) of the prison before the death sentence is finalised.

Monday (May 13) Justice Sheikh Hasan Arif and Justice Md. Bazlur Rahman's High Court bench announced the verdict.

At the same time, The court has also declared Rule 980 of the Jail Code unconstitutional.

The High Court (HC) has ruled that it is illegal and unlawful to detain convicts in the condemned cell (blind cell) of the prison before the death sentence is finalised by the verdict of the Supreme Court's Appellate Division.

The High Court bench of Justice Sheikh Hasan Arif and Justice Md Bazlur Rahman announced this ruling today (13 May).

The court has also declared Rule 980 of the Jail Code unconstitutional.

The High Court also gave directions that prisoners who have received death sentences in various cases where the final appeal has not yet been resolved should be provided with the same facilities as other prisoners in jail.


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