Dhakaশুক্রবার, ২১ মার্চ ২০২৫

War crimes tribunal disposes of 31 cases in eight years

Rtv online desk

Friday, 23 March 2018 , 12:00 AM


The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) of Bangladesh has disposed of 31 cases of crimes against humanity and war crimes since its inception on March 25, 2010, bringing killers of 1971 to justice.

Attorney General Mahbubey Alam found the progress made by the ICT satisfactory, saying, "where numerous cases were kept pending year after year, disposing of 31 cases of crimes against humanity is a milestone for establishing rule of law." Reports BSS.

The present grand alliance formed tribunal eight years ago in line with its manifesto of ninth national parliament election.

The tribunal constituted under the International Crimes (TRIBUNALS) Act, 1973, with the power to try and punish any individual or group of individuals or organizations, or any member of any armed, defense or auxiliary forces irrespective of his nationality, who commits or has committed, in the territory of Bangladesh, whether before or after commencement of this Act, any crimes mentioned in sub section [2] of section 3 of the Act. 

Some significant changes have been brought in the Act, by way of amendment, in 2009 and the first tribunal consisting three judges was set up in March 25, 2010, through an official gazette.

The government on March 22, 2012, established another tribunal namely International Crimes Tribunal-2. But it was kept as non-functioning since September 15, 2015.

"Currently the trial is being carried out by a single tribunal. If necessary, the authorities will take decision on whether to increase the number of tribunal," the Attorney General said. 

Mahbubey Alam said the government is formulating act to confiscate the properties of the people convicted at the tribunal.



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