• Dhaka Sun, 08 SEPTEMBER 2024,

GST Admission test starts today, special measures around heatwave

Rtv news

  27 Apr 2024, 09:30
Photo: Collected

In this 2023-24 academic year, twenty-four universities, including GST institutions, are set to conduct the first-year admission test for the fourth time in a cluster system.

Admission test for 'A' unit will be held on Saturday (April 27) from 12 noon to 1 pm. On the same day Architecture Practical (Drawing) will be taken from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm.

Besides, the examination of 'B' unit under the Humanities group will be held on Friday, May 3 and the examination of 'C' unit under the Business Management will be held on Friday May 10. The admission test of these two units will be held from 11am to 12 pm.

On the occasion of the admission test, the overall preparation has already been completed. Meanwhile, special attention is being paid for the safety of the students during the ongoing heatwave.

The Vice Chancellor of Jashore University of Science and Technology Prof. Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain said that all the Universities have been requested to take proper precautions during the heatwave. At the same time he is calling upon the Vice-Chancellors of the concerned Universities under the cluster to provide sufficient fresh water and first aid in the examination centers for the protection of the admission candidates.

This year, 3 lakh 5 thousand and 346 applications have been submitted against a total of 21 thousand seats under cluster system. Accordingly, 15 aspirants will fight for each seat.

In this year, cluster admission test application was open from 12-27 February. During this period, 1 lakh 70 thousand 599 applications have been submitted in 'A' unit of science group, 94 thousand 631 in 'B' unit of humanities group and 40 thousand 116 applications in 'C' unit of business management.


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