• Dhaka Wed, 03 JULY 2024,

Shima bites, cuts apart her husband's tongue!

Rtv news

  10 Jun 2024, 18:16
Photo: Collected

Shima Khatun, wife Sohag Hossain, has bitten his tongue in Chaugachha upazila of Jessore. He was admitted to Jessore General Hospital in critical condition.

The incident took place at Patibila village in Chaugachha upazila on Monday afternoon (June 10). The injured was identified as Sohag, son of Mozammel Haque of that village.

According to Sohag's family, there was a quarrel between Sohag and his wife Shima Khatun around 12:30 pm. At one stage, Shima Khatun bit her husband's tongue and cut it apart. Later, family members rescued Sohag and took him to Chougachha Upazila Health Complex. At that time, the duty doctor referred him to Jashore General Hospital for better treatment.

Doctors at the surgery department said Sohag will never get his tongue back. But he is out of danger.


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