The Public Administration Reform Commission has invited citizens to provide their opinions on reforms in public administration. Feedback can be submitted online or in person until November 25.
To facilitate this, 13 questions have been prepared and published on the Ministry of Public Administration's website (, where citizens can directly share their feedback.
According to the announcement, the interim government of Bangladesh formed a commission led by Abdul Muid Chowdhury on October 1. The commission has been tasked with submitting a recommendation-laden report to create a people-oriented, efficient, accountable, and neutral public administration. The deadline for the report is 90 days from its inception.
The commission has already begun its activities, focusing on gathering public opinion through a questionnaire. Citizens from various professions can express their views by simply ticking options in a concise and straightforward questionnaire.
Feedback can also be submitted with detailed suggestions online or offline by November 25. This input is expected to play a crucial role in building a more effective public administration.
Key Details of the Questionnaire:
- The 13 questions allow respondents to select one of three provided answers.
- Additionally, participants can propose up to three independent suggestions.
Questions Include:
- How would you generally assess the public administration system in Bangladesh?
- How do you evaluate the neutrality of public administration over the last 15 years?
- Do you believe reforms are necessary in the country’s public administration?
- What do you think is the most critical aspect of reforming public administration?
- What do you see as the main obstacle to making public administration more people-friendly?
- What is your personal experience with transparency and accountability in public administration?
- How would you describe the behavior of government officials and employees?
- What has been your experience in obtaining services from government offices?
- How can the current Upazila system better serve the people?
- Do you think the existing District Councils are effective as local government institutions?
- Do you believe creating multiple provinces in the country could reduce the burden on Dhaka?
- What measures should be taken to increase public engagement in public administration?
- What steps do you think are necessary to free public administration from political influence?