• Dhaka Mon, 08 JULY 2024,

Prices of vegetables increase due to continuous rain

Rtv news

  05 Jul 2024, 16:59
Photo: Collected

Throughout the country including Dhaka, it has been raining for several days. And this affected the vegetable market. Most of the vegetables are being sold in the market at the rate of 80 to 100 taka per kg. Which is Tk 10 to 20 more than last week. Apart from this, a kg of green chillis stood at Tk 320 to 350 per kg.

On Friday (July 5), such images were seen in various markets of the capital.

It has been seen that carrot is being sold at Tk 100 per kg. Taro stem root is being sold at Tk 100 per kg and Spiny gourd at Tk 100 per kg. Apart from this, Bitter gourd is Tk 120 per kg, Pointed gourd is Tk 60 per kg, Cucumber is Tk 100 per kg, String beans is Tk 120 per kg, Ribbed gourd is Tk 60 per kg, Sponge gourd is Tk 60 per kg, Brinjal (long) is Tk 80 per kg, Round eggplant is Tk 120 per kg. Lady's finger Tk 120, papaya Tk 50 per kg, gourd 60 per kg, sweet pumpkin Tk 40 per kg, green chillies Tk 320 to 350 per kg and Arum lobe at Tk 80 per kg.

Traders said that it has been raining continuously for several days in the areas from which most of the vegetables come. Rain disrupted the production of vegetables. Due to the rain, the water has accumulated and the vegetables are about to spoil. Therefore, the supply of vegetables decreased and the price increased.

A buyer named Abul Hasan said that the prices of all vegetables in the market have increased. Whether it is raining, hot or cold, in Bangladesh, the price of everything only increases. Even if something is produced well, the market price never decreases.

Another buyer Shahriar Hossain said, I was surprised to see the price of vegetables. All kinds of products are very expensive. Cucumber, Spiny gourd is under Tk 100, but the price of several vegetables, including Bitter gourd, String beans, and eggplant, has gone up to 120 taka. If this situation continues, we will have to starve.


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