The price of daily commodities including rice and pulses increased during the student movement, but the picture started to change after the fall of the government. A terrible flood occurred amid this. The price of goods in the market increased again. Although some relief has returned to the vegetable market, the prices of rice, fish, chicken, and eggs have increased.
On Friday (September 13), it was seen that the prices of everything except vegetables had increased in various markets. At the retail level, the price of rice has increased by Tk2 per kg. The price of broiler chicken has increased by at least Tk10 per kg. At the retail level, the price of eggs has increased up to Tk4. The picture is the same in the fish market. Starting from pangas to salmon, carp, trout, hilsa, all types of fish are expensive.
However, the price of beef has decreased slightly. Beef is being sold at Tk730 to Tk750 per kg. Which was Tk750 to Tk800 a couple of weeks ago.
When asked why the prices of eggs and chickens are high, traders said that many chicken farms have been damaged in various districts of the country due to recent floods. This has reduced the supply of chickens and eggs in those areas. Moreover, the eggs recently imported from India are also less than the demand. Due to this, the price has increased.
The market price is discussed with several buyers. They said that after the fall of the government, the prices of some products have decreased, but now the prices of fish, chicken, and eggs are slowly increasing. At the moment, everyone desires to control the rise in commodity prices. Only then the low-income people can breathe a sigh of relief.