As in previous years, Bangladesh will observe a one-minute blackout on the night of March 25 to honour the victims of the 1971 genocide. From 10:30 pm to 10:31 pm, the entire country will go dark (except for key installations and emergency facilities). Additionally, all government, semi-government, autonomous, and private buildings are strictly prohibited from any form of illumination on this night.
The Ministry of Liberation War Affairs announced these directives in a press release on Sunday (March 23).
March 25 is observed as Genocide Day, and the government has planned various programs to commemorate the occasion. The President and the Chief Advisor will deliver official messages, while educational institutions across the country—including schools, colleges, madrasas, and technical institutions—will host discussions and remembrance events with distinguished personalities and freedom fighters. The Liberation War Museum will also hold a special seminar on genocide and the Liberation War.
To further honour the victims, rare photographs and documentaries on the genocide will be exhibited in all city corporations, including Dhaka. These programs will be broadcast on Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar (Radio).
Additionally, special prayers will be offered in mosques after the Zuhr prayer or at a suitable time, while other religious institutions will hold prayer sessions in memory of those who lost their lives on the night of March 25, 1971.