The cabinet has approved in principle the draft of Fish and Fish Products Bill-2019 keeping provision for fine up to 5 lakh taka for adulterating fish and fish products.
The bill was approved in the cabinet meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair held at her office on Monday.
After the meeting Cabinet Secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam briefed the newsmen about the meeting.
Shafiul Alam said, this sector was being directed through an ordinance of 1983. It was formulated during military rule. It was written in English. According to the court instruction, it was obligatory to turn all the ordinances into laws and accordingly it was done. Besides, it was translated from Bangla to English.
He said, detail definition is given about fish sector in this law. Fish adulteration is banned in the law. Two years imprisonment or five lakh taka fine or both will be awarded if anybody violates the law. Earlier the punishment was three months imprisonment and five thousand taka fine.
He also said, license will be needed for fish import. Import of fish and animals like fish is banned without license according to the law.