DhakaTuesday, 18 March 2025

Farmers Bank's journey begins as Padma Bank

Rtv online report

Sunday, 17 March 2019 , 12:00 AM


With pledges of building a 'Safe Bank' for the subscribers the journey of private owned Farmers Bank has begun with the new name 'Padma Bank'.


Forgetting the disgrace of the past Padma Bank's journey has begun through the logo unveiling program at a hotel in the capital on Saturday.

Prime Minister's economic affairs Advisor Mashiur Rahman was present in the program as the chief guest.


As special guests there were- Managing Director of Sonali Bank Obaed Ullah Al Masud, Managing Director of Janata Bank Abdus Salam Azad, Managing Director of Agrani Bank Shams Ul Islam, Managing Director of Rupali Bank Ataur Rahman Prodhan and Managing Director of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) Kazi Sanaul Haque.

The four state owned banks of the country and ICB came forward to save the Farmers Bank as it was about to closure after emerging as a private bank six years ago. In this continuation the name of the bank has been changed. Now 68 percent capital of Padma Bank is provided by Sonali Bank, Janata Bank, Agrani Bank, Rupali Bank and ICB.


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